Ways to Watch
The Emmy Nominated Kids Reading Show!
Hundreds of thousands of views!
One of the top rated reading shows on PBS!
PBS Stations:
WCNY (Syracuse, NY)
WQLN (Erie, PA)
APTV (Alabama)
WSKG (Binghamton, NY)
WPBS (Watertown, NY) Online Only
WLIW (New York, NY and Long Island, NY)
MPB (Mississippi)
KBME, KDSE, KSRE, KWSE (Minot-Bismarck, ND)
KUEN (Salt Lake City, UT)
DVCRDT3 Desert Cities (Los Angeles, CA)
WDSE PBS North, WRPT (Duluth-Superior, MN)
WEFS (Orlando, FL)
WEIU (Champaign, IL)
WLIW (New York, NY)
WMPN MPB Classroom TV (Jackson, MS)
WNIT InFocus (South Bend-Elkhart, IN)
WNYE (New York, NY)
WQLN (Erie, PA)
WSKA (Elmira, NY)
WSKG (Binghamton, NY)
Reading Buddies is free to all PBS stations. We encourage you to reach out to your local PBS station and ask them to pick up the show!
Reading Buddies is also a Described and Captioned Media Program and can be viewed here.
The DCMP provides services designed to support and improve the academic achievement of students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind.
Questions? Please contact us at ReadingBuddies@thereadingleague.org.